We are excited to be exhibiting at the Building Component Manufacturers Conference and Framers Summit (BCMC | FS) this year. Exhibiting at booth 410 on September 20-21, 2023, in Indianapolis, Alpine will be highlighting the latest advances designed to make component manufacturers (CMs) more profitable and competitive. There will be four stations providing live product demonstrations showcasing designer efficiency, software performance enhancements, and new tools to empower customers to manage data.
Alpine Director of Software Development, Rick Tilelli explained, “Interacting with customers and industry experts, as well as showcasing our new products and features, makes this show an annual highlight. Our software team’s mission is developing solutions that deliver value, enabling our customers to be more efficient, more profitable, and more competitive. We can’t wait to unveil our exciting new software innovations and improvements at BCMC | FS 2023.”

IntelliVIEW Suite 2023 Highlights & New Tools
- Load Areas is a powerful new tool in iModel (version 23.02) designed to enhance and simplify the tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming process of applying special load conditions. It allows designers to input truss loads within a defined region accurately and simultaneously, saving valuable time and effort.
- The Visibility Manager is a new iModel feature that provides designers with enhanced layout performance and up to 80% faster navigation with large multi-family plans. With the ease of a click, designers control the visibility of the layout elements—showing or hiding only needed objects and annotations.
- iCommand IntelliSheets takes business management to the next level. Introduced in 2022 to create custom job lists, track progress, and share live reports easily with different users—the 2023 Series incorporates production data, additional editing capabilities, as well as improved security controls.
STITCHER Software Reimagined
“In partnership with our customers, we continue enhancing our innovative STITCHER Software ensuring we deliver designer efficiency,” Rick Tilelli added. The new interface and workflow provide an easier ramp-up for new users. Driven by customer feedback, these enhancements deliver even more value to STITCHER, which is allowing designers to improve efficiency by 75% or more. Time spent on drawing review and entering the building envelope can be reduced to a minimum with STITCHER software.

Alpine Equipment

“As the industry moves toward increased automation, Alpine is at the forefront of this effort, delivering quality and safety-oriented solutions that increase machine uptime and productivity,” said Vennor Hackshaw, Business Unit Manager at Alpine. Alpine will be providing live demonstrations showcasing the Alpine Linear Saw (ALS) and AutoSet Plus Tables.
Leading the industry in board-feet-per-hour, and operable by a single sawyer, the Alpine Linear Saw (ALS) 4.0, reduces labor costs and material waste while improving the bottom line. Live demonstrations will highlight its cutting versatility, automatic marking, material waste reduction capabilities, and much more. The ALS also improves safety by keeping the operator clear of dust and moving parts. See it in action!
With set up in less than 25 seconds, the AutoSet Plus Table sets industry benchmarks in truss production efficiency and accuracy. This computer-controlled system is easy to learn, use, and maintain. The automated steel pucks help workers maintain a consistent workflow, with higher accuracy, and reduce employee fatigue.
Sneak Peak – And Private Demos
For a sneak peak, Alpine will also provide a preview into the future development of the PaperSpace Tool and IntelliSheets Cloud version—both available later this year—at booth 410. Please contact your local Alpine Sales Representative to book a private software or product demonstration or email info@alpineitw.com.