Need to know how to read a truss drawing? Each section of a typical Alpine component drawing is explained in detail.

We learned a few lessons from Hurricane Andrew. Charlie Hoover, P.E. explains the hurricane and the effects of wind.

Everything you need to know about truss terminology is explained here.

Find out more information on designing for wind – By Bruce Feldmann, P.E. – Earth City Engineer.

“How-to” instructions for the use of the ADH Documentation and the glossary terms are presented here.

This documentation identifies the information provided on shopdrawings.
Technical Articles Archive
MOMENT RESISTANCE: Why Bigger Plates Are a Good Thing
Ceiling Floor Partitions
The Pros and Cons of Camber
To Bear or Not To Bear
Wood Truss Information
A/E Suggested Specs for Wood Trusses
Considerations in Specifying a Connection for Horizontal Movement
Consideration in the Selection and Specification of a Commercially Produced Hanger for Truss to Truss Connections
Designing to Reduce Floor Vibrations in Wood Floors
Movement in Wood Structures
Special Loads on Trusses: Folding Partitions
Why Specify Our Wood Truss Component Systems?