STITCHER Gets a Makeover

Imagine a looming deadline, a complicated 2D, multi-family floor plan. It will take days to get accurate measurements, manually. STITCHER® streamlines the process by capturing walls, openings, and intricate details with precision, transforming a 2D architectural drawing into a 3D model in a fraction of the time – saving 30% of overall design time. STITCHER […]

STITCHER monitors. 2024
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Optimizing Truss Design

Establishing a truss design process that progresses seamlessly from start to finish serves as a critical backbone for efficiency and ensures essential quality control measures. While individual processes might vary from designer to designer, here is a sample step-by-step process. Resist The Urge The quote has been accepted and it’s time to produce a final […]

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Delivering High Quality Design Services to CMs

Alpine and Building Engineering and Design Co. (BEDC) have entered into a strategic partnership to provide high-quality, cost-effective, and scalable design services to the component manufacturing industry. BEDC employs degreed civil engineers who must pass a rigorous training course in component design as well as Alpine software before working with customers’ projects. The training course, […]

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iModel’s Dynamic New Tool to Simplify Truss Load Application

Applying special load conditions to trusses is a tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming task for designers. Without a visual representation of the load in relation to the trusses on a plan, it can be a challenge to position the loads and determine the load magnitudes required for each truss. As a result, accuracy is impacted. Load […]

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